Whakatāne Design, Signs, Print and Web



Our Core Values


The below are internal facing and have been in place for many years. They're sure to give you a good idea of how we operate and the type of business we are. 


Good Things Happen to Those Who Hustle


Our competitors are hungry and we’re definitely not the only ones grinding, but we do well because we’re hungrier. The difference is that some are content to ‘show up’, coast along and let the chips of their life fall where they may. Whereas we say stop with the excuses and start busting some ass with a spring in our step, fire in our belly and eagerness in our eyes. Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


Every. Single. Person. Committing to the team effort is key. Everyone takes responsibility for the energy they bring into this place. We sink or swim together. United we stand, united we fall.

People Want Solutions Not Problems


When faced with a problem we view it as an opportunity to solve it. Whether with a teammate or a client, our default response is to come up with an alternative, compromise or suggestion and not simply a reason why it can’t be done. We don’t say yes to everything - but before saying no we turn ourselves inside out exploring all options. There are more solutions than problems.

Cheap. Fast. Good. Choose Two


We add value to our clients - this is what separates us from our competitors. We’re not simply selling commodities - we’re being paid for the intangible stuff - our craftsmanship, knowledge, skill and creativity. If a client is only shopping us on price, it’s because we haven’t done a good enough job of convincing them of the value we can create for them. The cheapest option is not usually the best option - the best option is the one that will give the client the best return on investment.

Give Respect and Earn Respect


There’s a line of common decency we don’t cross with ourselves, our workmates and our clients, we all expect the same in return. We don’t believe in hierarchy, we believe in earning respect. Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, loyalty is returned. Be cool and kind - this is not life and death, this is just a business.

No Pain, No Gain


Life is a work in progress and we accept we will continue to make mistakes - mistakes are proof that we’re doing stuff. One sure way to avoid mistakes is to have no new ideas. We have the courage to admit our mistakes, to ourselves and to others. We’re happy to take responsibility for our actions and deal with the consequences. Repeating mistakes is a different story, the second time we make it isn’t a mistake, it’s a choice. The key is putting something in place that ensures we don’t repeat the same ‘mistake’. Only make new mistakes.

The Only Constant Is Change


It’s not the strongest nor the most intelligent business that survives. It’s the one that’s most adaptable to change. Change is inevitable and happens whether we like it or not - if we always do what we’ve always done, we won’t always get what we’ve always got.

Work Hard – Stay Humble


We build reputations and integrity. We give something back, we keep our eye on the prize. We chase it, will it, work at it, make it happen and do it in style and with humility.

Success Is Not Just Measured in Dollars


Sure - we need to be profitable, but boiled right down - we are in the business of adding two things: 1) value for clients and 2) supporting teammates’ individual aspirations. Regarding teammates, we are all acutely aware that this business supports many families, which is why we work so hard. We believe in, and look to grow every individual within the business through a commitment to learning. Everyone shares knowledge, skills and encourages learning.

Pro Vs Schmo


We understand that if we have to work then we may as well be the best we can be. Those that are content being mediocre won’t fit here. Pride in every piece of our work is non-negotiable. All work must be up to standard - or it doesn’t go out - we’re only as good as our weakest link. Schmo’s shame the Pro’s. Professionalism is not a label we give ourselves, but something we hope others will apply to us. A reputation is built.
